Posted on September 27, 2024 by Lyvenda Reckner

There's been much discussion in some circles about the dangers of religious tradition and the need to make changes in congregational worship services.  Regular evaluation is certainly a good thing.  When evaluating whether changes should be made, there are some questions that need to be answered.

  1. Are the activities taking place during worship services being done to please people or to honor God?
  2. To whom is the congregation's attention drawn?  To individuals on the platform or to God?
  3. Do the words of the songs point toward God or toward self?  Where is the focus?
  4. Do the words that are being spoken uplift and encourage others to come closer to God?  Is the congregation being built up or torn down?
  5. Does the word that is being proclaimed stay within the boundaries of the Word of God?  In other words, is the Word of God being used to interpret the Word?  Or is it being adjusted to conform to today's society and the trends of current culture?

It is important to address these things, but perhaps the most important questions of all relate to matters of individual hearts.  Every question mentioned above could be answered appropriately and yet there be no positive impact on the individuals attending the worship service.

Jesus was in constant conflict with the religious leaders of His day.  He did not fit into their mold of religious behavior or speech.  He did not respect their traditions or their self-appointed spiritual authority as experts in following the laws of Moses.  When butting heads with the Pharisees, Jesus told them they were nullifying the Word of God with their religious traditions  (Matthew 15:6).  In other words, the Word of God was having no effect in their lives because of their insistence on following their traditions.  The Pharisees were correct in their adherence to the laws of Moses, but they had added many other rules and regulations that did not originate in the heart of God.  They were giving their traditions greater priority and operated under the false assumption that they were pleasing God.  In truth, doing their own thing was more important to them than following God's instructions for their lives.  They were commending themselves for their ability to check off a list of things they considered to be their religious duty.  They were honoring God with their lips, but their hearts were far from Him.  (See Deuteronomy 4:2; Proverbs 30:6; Matthew 15:8; Matthew 23)

Are Christians today guilty of the same thing?  In an earlier blog, I mentioned that the worship song Make Room has given me pause to think about my own walk with God.  Am I placing any traditions ahead of Him?  Do the traditions I follow honor God?  Or do they satisfy my own ideas about worship?  Am I performing religious rituals that I think will please God, but in reality, do not?  I believe it comes down to a matter of my heart.  Everything with God is a matter of the heart (1 Samuel 16:7; Hebrews 4:12).  Our motives are what are most important to God.  Why do we do what we do?

It is possible for an individual to be in attendance during an energetic worship service where the Spirit of God is in operation, moving and touching hearts and lives, yet not sense God's presence or receive anything from Him.  Conversely, it is possible to attend a worship service in which no one appears to be participating and nothing seems to be happening yet sense the presence of God all around you as He speaks to your heart.  What's the difference?  The attitude of your heart.  God is present everywhere always, but His Word declares that He inhabits the praises of His people.  In other words, if God is being praised with sincere hearts, His manifested presence is there whether you "feel" Him or not.  (Psalm 22:3; Matthew 18:20).

Worship should be a genuine offering of thanksgiving and praise to the God who loved us so much He gave His only begotten Son so that we could be saved and receive His gift of eternal life. (John 3:16) True worship comes from the heart.  It does not matter if the songs you sing are hymns that were written two centuries ago or the latest contemporary favorites (as long as they are in agreement with God's Word).  It does not matter what your hairstyle is.  It does not matter what clothes you wear.  It does not matter if the worship service follows a pattern (such as songs, offering, preaching).  The thing that matters is the heart of the individual.

Some have questioned whether the modern church should continue the traditional order of worship through music and song, taking up an offering and hearing a message preached by a minister.  My question is:  Is God being honored in that setting?  God is not honored in musical performances that highlight musicians and singers nor is God honored by the amount of money someone places in an offering plate.  He is not honored simply because someone is an eloquent and persuasive speaker.  God is honored when hearts are filled with gratitude and offer worship in word and in song that expresses thanksgiving for all He has done for them.  God is honored when a person gives an offering of any amount if they are giving that offering from a sincere heart's desire to contribute to the kingdom of God.  God is honored when a minister follows the leading of Holy Spirit and shares a message from the heart of God to the people.  God is honored when His Spirit has freedom to touch hearts and lives to heal and deliver.

The best questions to ask are those directed to the individual.  Let me encourage you to examine your own heart.  Ask Holy Spirit to reveal to you the hidden motives of your heart and honestly ask yourself a few questions.

  1. Are you attending the worship service as a matter of tradition because it's the right religious thing to do?  Or are you attending a worship service because you desire to honor God, thank Him for all He's done for you, and experience His Presence in a corporate setting?
  2. Is your heart open to hear and receive whatever God may be speaking to you at any given moment during a worship service?  Or are you seeking to hear confirmation of your own opinions?  God's intention in giving us His Word is so that we can be changed by it.  (Romans 12:2; Ephesians 5:26)
  3. Do you sing along with the congregation and think about the meaning of the words?  Are you expressing heart-felt gratitude or are you just mouthing the words without thinkng about how they apply to your own life?
  4. Are you offended when the "regular" process of a worship service is interrupted or changed in some way?

So, where is your heart?

John 4:23 NLT:  But the time is coming -- indeed it's here now -- when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth.  The Father is looking for those who will worship Him that way.

Hebrews 7:19 NLT:  For the law never made anything perfect.  But now we have confidence in a better hope, through which we draw near to God.

Genuine worship is not a matter of mechanics, pleasing to the ear music or words.  It's not a matter of following a certain program.  It's not a matter of pleasing oneself or others.  It's a matter of your heart and growing in your relationship with God.  His greatest desire is a close relationship with you.  It just so happens that when our hearts are completely open to Him in an attitude of worship (whether in a corporate setting or alone), we can hear Him clearly as He speaks to our hearts.

Proper worship services are intentionally designed to draw the congregation's attention to God and all that He has done for us through the sacrifice of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.  When a worshiper focuses their attention toward God, their thoughts are drawn away from the issues of life.  God miraculously does a work in our hearts and minds when we push aside distractions and focus on Him.  Focusing on Him magnifies His power, His strength, His wisdom, and His ability above the various things we deal with daily.  When that happens, problems do not seem to be as big as they once were.  It is difficult to put into words what occurs in a worshiper's heart and mind when one begins to worship.  We grow in confidence that God is greater than any challenge we will ever encounter, that His Word and promises are sure, and He is always present to help!

Worship is not required because God needs an ego boost.  Worship is a choice we make for our own benefit (Psalm 103).  When we develop an attitude of worship and offer genuine thanks for all God has done, for all He has promised to do, and who He is in our lives, faith is strengthened as we are reminded that God is good and He will always keep His promises.  He will always help in any and every circumstance of life.  You are reminded that in Him, you are more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus who LOVES YOU!  (Romans 8:37)

Psalm 5:7 NKJV:  But as for me, I will come into Your house in the multitude of Your mercy; in fear of You I will worship toward Your holy temple.

Psalm 138:2 NKJV:  I will worship toward Your holy temple.  And praise Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; for You have magnified Your Word above all Your name.

Matthew 8:2-3 NKJV:  And behold, a leper came and worshiped Him, saying, "Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean."  Then Jesus put out His hand and touched him, saying, "I am willing; be cleansed."  Immediately his leprosy was cleansed.

Ephesians 1:3 TPT:  Every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realm has already been lavished upon us as a love gift from our wonderful Heavenly Father, the Father of our Lord Jesus -- all because He sees us wrapped into Christ.  This is why we celebrate Him with all our hearts!


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Christian Family Fellowship
2 Miles East of Antlers on Ethel Rd.
Antlers, OK 74523

Phone: (580) 298-6611

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Wednesdays at 7:00 PM

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