
The Turner Project

The Turner Project

 Sometimes, a property is destined for occupation by God’s people.

According to a long-time resident of this area, a family by the name of Ford moved to the town of Antlers, Oklahoma, around 1940.  As pioneers, they brought with them the Pentecostal faith, introducing the region to this great faith movement.  In those days, the Pentecostals were not allowed to use any public facilities for their gatherings, resulting in the organization of brush arbor meetings.   These believers were the owners and occupants of this piece of property now belonging to the Turners.  It was the home place of the Ford family.  Down through the years as time went by, different family members in this lineage resided in this home.  This property was purchased from descendants of the Ford family who also were ministers of the gospel. 

Almost a quarter of a century ago, Dean and Doris Turner sold their possessions and left for eastern Europe to minister to the people that God had called them to.  Fast forward to September of 2007.  At a conference in Elgin, Texas, the Lord began to bless Dean and Doris for their sacrifice and faithfulness to the call of God to the mission field.  

Dean and Doris were graciously given this property.  Christian Family Fellowship responded to the heart of  God and began the remodeling of this home as their mission project.  After an inspection of the premises and an assessment of the work needed to make this house an adequate home to live in, they realized that much help was needed from God’s faithful people.   A letter went out describing the project and the objectives along with the approximate cost; the saints responded with a heart of  compassion. 

This is so much the will of God that even people who did not know the Turners gave abundantly.  The CFF Turner Project received $19,000.00, along with building materials, appliances, flagstone covering the patio and steps and a host of other love donations.  It is estimated that an approximate  total of $26,000.00 was given to this project.  In addition to that, we had many businesses give great discounts.   One lumber yard allowed us to purchase the materials for this project at their cost.  Another gave a 25% discount  on a one time purchase.  Many professionals including electrical, plumbing, heat and air,      termite exterminating, flooring installers and concrete finishers, either donated their labor or reduced their rates to be a blessing. 

Many, many individuals responded to the call for volunteer labor.   Several churches sent huge work crews down for days and weekends.  We roughly estimate between 90 and 100 people invested their most precious commodity, their time, to labor on this project. 

Once belonging to pioneers in the Pentecostal movement, this property is still in the hands of God’s people, Dean and Doris Turner.

On behalf of the Turners, Christian Family Fellowship extends a huge thank you to all who contributed to this project.  God had a plan, and we all got to be a part of it!  Hallelujah!


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We are a growing, family-oriented group of believers whose heart is building people and building dreams. Our focus is building relationships, not religion. We are committed to helping you grow in your relationship with God, your family and the family of God, as well as discovering His dream for your life. God has something very special in store for you, and we pray that you will be empowered by this ministry. Our passion is to provide a place where people just like you can have...read more »

Christian Family Fellowship
2 Miles East of Antlers on Ethel Rd.
Antlers, OK 74523

Phone: (580) 298-6611
Email: info@cffantlers.com

Service Times
Sundays at 10:00 AM
Wednesdays at 7:00 PM

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